Zelensky Says He Is Ready for Talks with Putin but Calls Him an Enemy

The Ukrainian president acknowledges that the war cannot last forever but rules out elections during the conflict

Feb 6, 2025 - 15:03
 0  2379
Zelensky Says He Is Ready for Talks with Putin but Calls Him an Enemy
Photo taken from public sources

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has stated that he is willing to negotiate with Vladimir Putin if it is the only way to achieve peace.

Readiness for Dialogue, but with Reservations

Despite this, Zelensky emphasized that he personally considers the Russian leader an enemy and does not believe in a fair resolution to the conflict.

He also admitted that Ukraine cannot regain all its territories and does not want to lose millions of lives for a result that may never come.

Elections in Ukraine Remain Impossible

Zelensky ruled out holding elections during wartime, stating that under current conditions, it is unsafe and unrealistic.

What’s Next?

Zelensky’s statement may indicate a new phase in Ukrainian politics, but for now, negotiations remain only a hypothetical scenario.

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