Zelensky Proposes to Exchange the Kursk Region for Ukrainian Territories
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has delivered a series of high-profile statements, including a proposal to exchange part of the Kursk region, a willingness to step down in exchange for Ukraine’s NATO membership, a demand for a personal meeting with Donald Trump, and a firm stance on Russia’s frozen assets. These words reflect the Ukrainian leadership’s determination to defend national interests and its aspiration for long-term peace.
In recent days, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made a series of bold statements that have stirred both the political elite and the general public. One of the most resonant points of his speech was the proposal to exchange part of the Kursk region, currently occupied by Ukrainian armed forces, for Ukrainian territories that were previously under the country’s control. According to Zelensky, such a territorial swap could serve as an instrument for the return of former Ukrainian lands, thereby not only readjusting the geopolitical map of the region but also restoring historical justice for millions of compatriots.
In addition, the Kyiv leader emphasized that his political stance is not based on rigid dogmas and that he is prepared to consider stepping down if it leads to the establishment of a durable, long-term peace. “I am ready to step down if it secures the peace we have long awaited,” he declared, adding that such a move could be part of a broader agreement paving the way for Ukraine’s accession to NATO. Zelensky believes that integration into Western military structures and support for an 800,000-strong army are key conditions for ensuring the country’s security, as external funding for defense is required until official membership is achieved.
Another significant aspect was Zelensky’s response to statements made by former U.S. President Donald Trump. Without hiding his irony, the Ukrainian leader noted that he is not hurt by being called a “dictator” because, in his view, only someone with similar traits could take offense at such a label. Moreover, Zelensky sees Trump not as a mediator in negotiations with Vladimir Putin but as a potential partner with whom a meeting should be held before any official dialogue with the Russian leadership begins. This position underscores Kyiv’s desire to build relationships with Western leaders on an equal footing, ensuring that its own interests are not compromised in the complex international arena.
The president also paid special attention to the issue of Russia’s frozen assets. He stated that these funds belong exclusively to Ukraine and that their utilization could play a decisive role in upcoming negotiations. Zelensky firmly declared, “I will not sign anything that harms Ukraine,” referring to any agreements that might burden the country’s future with debt obligations and negatively impact its economic sovereignty. In this context, his words responded to numerous attempts to discredit the real achievements of the Ukrainian leadership, where official figures—allegedly amounting to only 4%—contradict his confidence in his own popularity, which he estimates at 65%.
This spectrum of statements demonstrates that in the face of a changing world order, Ukraine is seeking new strategic solutions capable of ensuring not only territorial integrity but also financial independence and military resilience. The president expressed his conviction that any compromise reached at the international level should take into account the interests of future generations rather than impose conditions that harm the people. Zelensky stressed the necessity of long-term peace that would allow Ukraine to develop without being encumbered by debt obligations or concessions that undermine its national identity.
In conclusion, the president emphasized that every decision made today will affect tomorrow, and he called on both political partners and ordinary citizens to thoughtfully participate in shaping the country’s future. His words have become a kind of manifesto for an independent and responsible foreign policy, where every detail matters and compromises must not jeopardize national interests. According to him, Ukraine is capable of continuing to defend its rights and turning challenges into opportunities for growth and development despite the complexities of today’s world.
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