Why the Mossad in cooperation with the CIA are the main suspects in the collapse of the towers on 9/11

altn.news - Covers information received from an anonymous source.

Sep 12, 2024 - 11:35
Sep 12, 2024 - 11:37
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Why the Mossad in cooperation with the CIA are the main suspects in the collapse of the towers on 9/11

Who are the dancing Israelis?  

When the attack on the towers happened on 9/11, a woman who was watching the event with binoculars, noticed a group of people who started to dance, rejoice at the event and take pictures in the background of the towers burning.  

She called the police and those men were immediately arrested.  The investigation revealed that these are 5 Israelis connected to the Mossad.  

What does this say?  

This suggests that the Mossad, possibly in conjunction with the CIA, are responsible for the collapse of the towers.  


Israel desperately needed a US military presence in the Middle East because of the military growth of Arab countries and Iran.  Those countries had oil, they began to advance rapidly and grow militarily.  

This set off the red alert in the Mossad.  On the other hand, it also suited the US to arrive militarily in the Middle East and take over the oil and start controlling the region. 

They just needed a big pretext for this to happen to justify another military campaign after the debacle in Vietnam, and that was a terrorist attack on US soil, blaming it on someone in the Middle East, and the wild card fell on Osama Bin Laden.  

Osama was a man of the US, they financed and armed him in the war with the Soviet Union.  But as is known, the CIA always eats its children in the end.  

So after the 9/11 attack, the US military arrived in Afghanistan.  This was not enough, so the US needed another excuse to enter on the other side of Iran.  So the Mossad and the CIA came up with a new plan, "chemical weapons in Iraq", which was later proven to be a blatant lie, and the  US-Israeli forces invaded Iraq, looted the country's entire gold reserves (of which there is a ton of video material evidence  ) and took over the oil rigs.  

Israel and the Mossad celebrated after this because the plan came true and the great threat to Israel disappeared.  

But for the chaos to continue flowing, after Iraq they needed new chaos and new looting.  The next target fell to Bashar al-Assad and Syria.  This time the US did not intervene directly but instead created a mercenary army, funded it, trained it and armed it to the teeth and sent it to Syria to start a civil war.  But I will write about this in a future post.

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