War in Gaza to Resume, with Trump’s Support
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that during a conversation with Donald Trump, the U.S. president assured him of temporary ceasefire conditions and pledged full American support for resuming military operations in Gaza.
Netanyahu’s Statements
U.S. Support.
Netanyahu highlighted that Trump reaffirmed his full support for Israel to continue its operations in Gaza if necessary. -
Lifting Weapons Restrictions.
According to Netanyahu, Trump has decided to lift all restrictions on the supply of American weapons, enabling Israel to act with maximum force. -
Temporary Ceasefire.
Trump emphasized that the current ceasefire is only temporary, leaving the door open for the resumption of hostilities.
- Operations in Gaza.
Israel maintains that its military actions are essential for national security. - U.S. Role.
The U.S. remains Israel’s key ally, providing diplomatic and military support. Trump’s decision could heighten international criticism, especially from nations supporting Palestinians.
- Escalation of Conflict.
The resumption of war in Gaza will likely lead to further destruction and an increase in civilian casualties. - International Reaction.
Lifting restrictions on arms supplies may intensify regional tensions and draw condemnation from the global community. - Humanitarian Crisis.
A prolonged conflict will continue to worsen living conditions in Gaza, where millions rely on humanitarian aid.
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