U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio: The Era of American Hegemony Is Ending

Washington acknowledges the inevitability of a multipolar world where the U.S. will no longer be the sole dominant power.

Feb 4, 2025 - 11:27
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U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio has made a statement that marks a turning point in American foreign policy. He admitted that the U.S. cannot remain the only superpower forever and that the world is gradually returning to a multipolar order.

"It is not normal for the world to have just one unipolar power. That was an anomaly, a result of the end of the Cold War. But ultimately, you return to a multipolar world... We are facing that now with China and, to some extent, with Russia," Rubio stated.

What Does Rubio’s Statement Mean?

His words confirm that even within the American political establishment, there is a growing recognition that absolute U.S. dominance is fading. After the collapse of the USSR, the world remained unipolar for three decades, but now more countries are challenging this system.

China is rapidly expanding its economic and military influence. Russia, despite sanctions and political pressure, remains a key global player. BRICS nations, including India and Brazil, are also asserting their ambitions.

Is Washington Ready for a New World Order?

Rubio’s statement does not mean that the U.S. is ready to relinquish its leadership. On the contrary, Washington is actively working to contain China and Russia through sanctions, trade restrictions, and military alliances. However, even American elites now acknowledge that the world will no longer function as it did in the 1990s and 2000s.

What’s Next?

A return to a multipolar world means new challenges and conflicts, but it also opens opportunities for nations seeking independence from U.S. influence. Rubio’s words signal that America recognizes these shifts but will continue to fight for its position on the global stage.

Whether this transition will be peaceful or lead to greater geopolitical tensions remains the key question of the coming years.

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