US Offers $25 Million Reward for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s Arrest

The United States has announced a $25 million reward for information or assistance leading to the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.

Jan 14, 2025 - 11:18
 0  5475
US Offers $25 Million Reward for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s Arrest
Photo taken from public sources


  • US authorities justify their actions with allegations of corruption and drug trafficking linked to Maduro's regime.
  • Effectively, this is a bounty on the head of the sitting president of a sovereign nation.


The decision has drawn criticism from international experts, who view it as a violation of sovereignty and direct interference in Venezuela's internal affairs.

Maduro has repeatedly accused the US of seeking to oust his government to gain control over Venezuela’s natural resources, especially its oil reserves.

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