U.S. Military Aircraft Crashes, Crew Survives
A Boeing EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft of the U.S. Navy crashed into San Diego Bay near Naval Air Station North Island.
What Happened
The aircraft was on a training flight when it lost control and plunged into the water. Both pilots ejected in time and were rescued by emergency response teams.
About the Aircraft
The EA-18G Growler is a modified version of the F/A-18 Super Hornet, designed for electronic warfare and suppression of enemy air defense systems. It is widely used by the U.S. Navy in combat operations.
Investigation Underway
The U.S. military has launched an investigation into the crash. Preliminary reports suggest a possible technical malfunction, but no official conclusions have been released yet.
The crash occurred near a major military base, allowing for a quick response and successful rescue of the crew.
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