UN: Rebuilding Gaza Will Require $53 Billion

The United Nations has announced that $53 billion will be needed to restore Gaza’s devastated infrastructure. This sum includes the reconstruction of housing, roads, hospitals, water supply systems, and electrical grids, which were destroyed during the conflict.

Feb 12, 2025 - 17:17
 0  2422
UN: Rebuilding Gaza Will Require $53 Billion
Photo taken from public sources

The Scale of Destruction

According to the UN, the humanitarian situation in the region remains critical. Thousands of homes, dozens of schools, medical facilities, and critical infrastructure have been destroyed. Millions of people lack access to water, electricity, and healthcare.

Experts warn that Gaza’s economy has been completely paralyzed, and rebuilding the region could take decades, even with the necessary funding.

Who Will Pay for Reconstruction?

The UN is currently in negotiations to secure international financial aid. The main potential donors are Western countries, Arab states, and international humanitarian organizations. However, given the political tensions, raising the necessary funds may take years.

Similar estimates have been made after previous conflicts, but reconstruction efforts have been repeatedly delayed due to a lack of funding and ongoing instability.

Future Prospects

UN experts stress that without a lasting peace agreement, rebuilding Gaza could become an endless process. As long as the region remains at the center of conflict, any reconstruction efforts risk being undone by new waves of destruction.

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