UN Commissioner Calls on the West to Lift Sanctions Against Syria

After visiting Syria and meeting with its leader, Ahmad Sharaa, the UN Commissioner urged Western nations to lift the long-standing sanctions imposed on the Arab state. He emphasized that these measures have had a devastating impact on ordinary Syrians, exacerbating poverty and food shortages.

Jan 17, 2025 - 11:02
 0  5656
UN Commissioner Calls on the West to Lift Sanctions Against Syria
Photo taken from public sources

Impact of Sanctions on Syria

  1. Economic Decline.
    Sanctions have crippled key sectors of the Syrian economy, making it nearly impossible to rebuild infrastructure after years of conflict.

  2. Humanitarian Crisis.
    Restrictions on trade and financial transactions have limited access to essential goods, including food, medicine, and fuel, leaving millions in dire need.

  3. Widespread Poverty.
    According to UN data, over 90% of Syrians now live below the poverty line, marking a critical humanitarian emergency.

A Call to Rethink Sanction Policies

The UN Commissioner stressed that sanctions should target political leadership rather than the civilian population. He called on the international community to take responsibility for averting a humanitarian catastrophe and assisting in Syria’s recovery.

International Response

The UN’s appeal could pave the way for a global dialogue on revising sanction policies. However, Western nations, particularly the U.S. and the EU, maintain a firm stance, tying the lifting of sanctions to political reforms in Syria.

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