UN: Billions Needed for Gaza's Reconstruction and Demining

Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General, stated that Gaza will require significant funding to rebuild its destroyed infrastructure and clear mines from the region.

Jan 21, 2025 - 14:12
 0  2202
UN: Billions Needed for Gaza's Reconstruction and Demining
Photo taken from public sources

Key Points

  1. Humanitarian Aid.
  • The UN is prepared to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
  • Plans are in place to send hundreds of aid trucks daily, provided safety conditions are met.
  1. Extent of Destruction.
  • Haq emphasized that most of Gaza’s infrastructure is heavily damaged or destroyed.
  • Reconstruction efforts will require billions of dollars and significant time.
  1. Role of UNRWA.
  • The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) continues to provide essential support to Gaza's population.
  • Haq highlighted the critical importance of UNRWA’s ongoing operations for addressing the basic needs of residents.


  • Scale of Destruction.
    The recent conflict in Gaza has devastated homes, roads, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions.
  • Need for Demining.
    Landmines and unexploded ordnance pose serious threats to residents and humanitarian workers.

Potential Consequences

  1. International Funding.
    Rebuilding Gaza will depend on donations from international donors, organizations, and private entities.
  2. Long-Term Projects.
    Restoring infrastructure and clearing mines may take years to complete.
  3. Reliance on UNRWA.
    Gaza's population heavily depends on UNRWA’s support, making its continued operation crucial.

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