Turkish Foreign Minister: Netanyahu May Resume War in Gaza After Prisoner Exchange

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan expressed concerns that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might resume military operations in Gaza after the prisoner exchange is completed. He also described Hamas as an armed resistance movement that emerged in response to the occupation of Palestine.

Feb 28, 2025 - 11:24
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Turkish Foreign Minister: Netanyahu May Resume War in Gaza After Prisoner Exchange
Photo taken from public sources

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan stated in an interview with Al Jazeera that there are serious concerns about a possible resumption of hostilities in Gaza by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following the completion of the prisoner exchange process.

Fidan emphasized that the international community must remain vigilant and closely monitor Israel’s next steps. According to him, Netanyahu could use the temporary ceasefire purely for tactical gains rather than as a step toward a long-term resolution of the conflict.

The minister also commented on Hamas, stating that the movement emerged as a response to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. This reflects Ankara’s stance, as Turkey continues to support the Palestinian cause and opposes Israeli military operations in Gaza.

Turkey remains a key player in diplomatic efforts, seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Ankara has repeatedly criticized Israel’s actions and called on the international community to put pressure on Tel Aviv to stop military actions and prevent further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

The situation remains tense, and international mediators, including Turkey, continue to explore opportunities for dialogue and a diplomatic solution. The next developments will depend on whether the parties can establish a lasting ceasefire or if hostilities will escalate once again.

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