Turkey's President Erdoğan: "Plans to Turn the Region into Chaos Will No Longer Succeed"

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan issued a strong warning to those who previously brought chaos to Syria and the region through the use of the terrorist group ISIS* (banned in several countries).

Jan 20, 2025 - 11:07
 0  3382
Turkey's President Erdoğan: "Plans to Turn the Region into Chaos Will No Longer Succeed"
Photo taken from public sources

Key Points of Erdoğan’s Statement

  1. Warning Against Repeating the Past.
    Erdoğan emphasized that attempts to destabilize the region, similar to those seen in Syria with the use of ISIS, will fail this time.

  2. Commitment to Regional Security.
    The Turkish president made it clear that his country will resolutely counter any attempts to impose chaos and instability in the region.

  3. Turkey as a Stabilizing Force.
    Erdoğan positioned Turkey as a power capable of preventing a repeat of the scenarios that led to past crises.


Erdoğan’s remarks reflect Turkey’s determination to strengthen its role in ensuring regional security and combating terrorism. Turkey has conducted multiple operations against ISIS and other groups, working to maintain stability in its border areas and beyond.

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