There is a month left until 2025: time flies faster than it seems

Time is running imperceptibly: covid was 5 years ago, 2007 is further away than 2040. People born in 1998 are already taking their children to school, and those born in 1990 have 16 years left to 50.

Dec 3, 2024 - 10:37
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There is a month left until 2025: time flies faster than it seems
Photo taken from public sources

When you realize that there is only a month left until 2025, you realize how fast time flies:

1 Covet was 5 years ago. It all seems closer than it really is.

2. 2007 is already further away than 2040. Time seems to have accelerated, and the past is moving away faster than we can notice it.

3. People born in 1998 take their children to the 1st grade. But it seems that quite recently they themselves were schoolchildren.

4. 1990 - 16 years to 50. Those who remember the 90s are already on the threshold of a new stage of life. Conclusion:

Time inevitably moves forward, and every moment becomes a part of history. Look around: What do these years mean to you?

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