The US has created a cryptocurrency wallet that can be implanted under the skin

US companies VivoKey and Dangerous Things have developed the Apex implantable cryptocurrency wallet, which is implanted under the skin and supports multiple cryptocurrencies. Transactions are processed inside a chip that is read by smartphones.

Jul 12, 2024 - 17:45
 0  4571
The US has created a cryptocurrency wallet that can be implanted under the skin
Photo taken from public sources

Two American companies - VivoKey and Dangerous Things - have developed an implantable cryptocurrency wallet called Apex, Decrypt reports. Cryptocurrency transactions are processed directly inside a chip implanted under the skin.

The wallet, which is about the size of a pill, uses chips implanted under the human skin to store data needed to access bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. Signals from the chip are read by smartphones, allowing transactions to take place. The device supports several cryptocurrencies, the keys to which are stored on the implanted chip.

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