The Scot was unable to send 500 bicycles to Sudan

SEPA has banned the shipment of 500 bicycles from Scotland to Sudan, recognizing them as scrap metal.

Nov 28, 2024 - 12:16
 0  7818
The Scot was unable to send 500 bicycles to Sudan
Photo taken from public sources

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has banned local resident Nigel Carter from sending 500 bicycles to Sudan because they were deemed unusable.

Carter collected bicycles at recycling centers across the country, hoping to donate them to charities. He decided to send the bicycles that were not accepted by the Scottish funds to Sudan. However, a significant part of the vehicles needed repair for example, many had damaged brake cables.

Carter argued that it is more economical to repair bicycles in Sudan, rather than in Scotland. Nevertheless, SEPA stated that sending such a cargo could lead to the fact that the bicycles would simply end up in a landfill in another country. The container was detained at the port and returned to Carter. Now he plans to scrap the bikes or return them to recycling facilities. This case highlights the importance of monitoring charitable supplies to avoid turning aid into an environmental problem.

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