The National Bank of Kazakhstan supports the legalization of cryptocurrencies

Timur Suleimenov stated the need to legalize cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges for the development of the financial system of Kazakhstan.

Nov 18, 2024 - 10:43
 0  6387
The National Bank of Kazakhstan supports the legalization of cryptocurrencies
Photo taken from public sources

The head of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Timur Suleimenov noted the need to legalize cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges in the country. According to him, Kazakhstan's cryptocurrency market remains underdeveloped, while neighboring countries are actively introducing new technologies. Suleimenov stressed that regulators have traditionally been negative towards cryptocurrencies, but it is no longer possible to completely ignore this segment. "Ignoring cryptocurrencies does not mean their disappearance. Kazakhstanis invest heavily, often in dollars, in this market. We want to see these flows in order to regulate them, not ban them, but legalize them within the framework of the legal system," he said. He also added that the legalization of cryptocurrency transactions and exchangers will allow for transparent rules to be established, ensuring control and reporting, instead of leaving this market outside the regulatory zone.

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