The guy complains that his girlfriend uses ChatGPT in arguments, and this gives her an advantage

The guy is unhappy that his girlfriend uses ChatGPT to prepare arguments during quarrels. He feels that it is difficult for him to defend his opinion when a girl returns with a carefully reasoned position, using ideas suggested by AI, which, in her words, "supports her."

Nov 7, 2024 - 17:37
 0  9357
The guy complains that his girlfriend uses ChatGPT in arguments, and this gives her an advantage
Photo taken from public sources

The guy told about his problem: his girlfriend uses ChatGPT to get arguments during their quarrels. After discussions with Yi, she returns to the conversation with a clearly formulated position, analyzing his every argument and, in his words, "crushes" him with AI's thoughts and advice. This makes him feel as if he is arguing not only with her, but also with the "powerful memory and analysis" work. In addition, when he expresses his dissatisfaction with this, she responds with phrases like: "ChatGPT believes that you are not confident in yourself" or "ChatGPT says that you lack the emotional resource to understand." He feels that in this way his position is initially devalued, and the AI seems to support her point of view. This situation makes the guy feel that his opinion is not taken into account, since the AI and the girl act as a single party, which makes it difficult for full communication and mutual understanding in their relationship.

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