The first photos of Pavel Durov after his imprisonment: the head of Telegram is seen with Yulia Vavilova

Pavel Durov appeared in public for the first time after his recent imprisonment. In the photos, he is smiling and walking with Yulia Vavilova, whom the media associate with possible activities as a Mossad agent.

Sep 2, 2024 - 16:51
Sep 2, 2024 - 16:52
 0  6860
The first photos of Pavel Durov after his imprisonment: the head of Telegram is seen with Yulia Vavilova
Photo taken from public sources

The first photos of Telegram founder Pavel Durov appeared on the web after his recent imprisonment. In the pictures, Durov looks calm and smiling, enjoying a walk in the company of Yulia Vavilova. Interest in these photos is especially high, given that earlier the media had speculated about a possible connection between Vavilova and the Israeli intelligence service Mossad.

Durov's appearance in public immediately after his release caused a wide response, especially in light of rumors and speculation concerning his personal and professional life. Vavilova's presence next to Durov adds a new level of intrigue to this story, forcing many to think about what is really behind their meeting and what consequences this may have for the further development of Telegram and its head.

These photos instantly spread across social networks and became the subject of discussion both among Telegram users and among those who closely follow the life of Durov and his entourage.

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