The Feds confiscated 1,000 bottles of "Liquid Ecstasy" at P. Diddy's establishment

According to rumors, 1,000 bottles of GHB, known as "Liquid Ecstasy", were confiscated at P. Diddy's establishment. This drug causes paralysis and seizures, acting as a powerful psychoactive supplement.

Sep 27, 2024 - 16:15
Oct 3, 2024 - 12:07
 0  9207
The Feds confiscated 1,000 bottles of "Liquid Ecstasy" at P. Diddy's establishment
Photo taken from public sources

It is rumored that the feds confiscated not "baby oil", but 1,000 bottles of the drug GHB, also known as "Liquid Ecstasy", at P. Diddy's establishment. This powerful drug paralyzes the body, causes seizures and is widely used as a psychoactive agent.

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