The director and accountant of a kindergarten in Pavlodar stole more than 32 million tenge

In Pavlodar, the director and accountant of a kindergarten were convicted of embezzlement of 32 million tenge. The court took into account mitigating circumstances and postponed the punishment.

Jun 16, 2024 - 12:00
 0  6031
The director and accountant of a kindergarten in Pavlodar stole more than 32 million tenge
Photo taken from public sources

In Atameken settlement, the director and accountant of nursery school No. 36 were convicted for embezzlement of budget funds. The court found that from 5 January 2022 to 24 April 2024, the convicted persons prepared settlement and payment statements and transferred budget money to their bank accounts. The total amount of stolen funds exceeded 32 million tenge.

The prosecutor demanded a sentence of six years' imprisonment. The defendants admitted their guilt, repented and asked the court not to deprive them of their liberty.

"Taking into account that E. is pregnant, has a young child born in 2011, elderly mother - a disabled person of the second group, a widow and has not previously been brought to criminal responsibility, on the basis of Art. 74 of the Criminal Code, the appointed punishment is postponed for one year," - reported in the press service of court No. 2.

"Also taking into account that A. has three minor children born in 2012, 2014 and 2019 and was not previously brought to criminal responsibility, on the basis of Art. 74 of the CC the appointed punishment is postponed for five years," - added in the court.

These mitigating circumstances allowed the court to decide to postpone the execution of the sentence, despite the seriousness of the committed offence.

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