The C-Lion1 cable between Finland and Germany is damaged

A malfunction of the C-Lion1 cable connecting Finland and Germany disrupted communications over the marine cable.

Nov 21, 2024 - 17:12
Nov 22, 2024 - 11:49
 0  6380
The C-Lion1 cable between Finland and Germany is damaged
Photo taken from public sources

A malfunction has been detected in the C-Lion 1 cable connection connecting Santahamina (Finland) and Rostock (Germany), Ilta-Sanomat newspaper reported. The C-Lion 1 cable is a key element of the communication infrastructure between the two countries. As a result of the damage, the communication connections passing through the marine cable were disrupted. The problem has attracted the attention of technical services that are working to fix it. At the moment, the causes of the malfunction are not specified, but experts emphasize the importance of restoring the cable for the stability of ties between Finland and Germany.

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