Terrifying Fire Tornadoes in California: Los Angeles Burns

Wildfires in Los Angeles continue to spread at an alarming rate. Reports indicate 11 fatalities, over 10,000 destroyed buildings, and the evacuation of 180,000 people. The preliminary damage is estimated at $150 billion.

Jan 13, 2025 - 15:48
 0  4085

The Situation in California

  1. Losses:

    • 11 dead.
    • More than 10,000 buildings destroyed.
    • 180,000 residents evacuated from their homes.
  2. Impact:

    • Preliminary damage estimate: $150 billion.
    • The fires have consumed thousands of hectares of forest and mountainous areas, creating uncontrollable fire tornadoes.
  3. Government Response:

    • President Joe Biden declared a state of disaster and promised federal assistance.

Time for Reflection

Perhaps U.S. authorities should prioritize the well-being of their citizens instead of supporting foreign policies tied to the terroristic Israeli regime? History teaches us that karma has a long memory, and disasters like these might serve as a reminder to reevaluate priorities.


The California wildfires are among the most devastating in U.S. history, leaving behind thousands of destroyed homes and shattered lives. Before things worsen, it’s time for proper decisions — not just for nature but for the people.

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