Telegram became profitable for the first time: revenue exceeded $1 billion

Pavel Durov announced that Telegram became profitable for the first time in 2024. Messenger's revenue from advertising and Premium subscriptions has tripled, and revenue has exceeded $1 billion.

Dec 24, 2024 - 13:03
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Telegram became profitable for the first time: revenue exceeded $1 billion
Photo taken from public sources

Telegram has become profitable for the first time in three years of its monetization. Pavel Durov, the founder of the messenger, shared the results for 2024 in his Telegram channel.

According to Durov, the number of Telegram Premium subscribers has tripled, exceeding the 12 million mark. Advertising revenue also increased significantly, allowing the messenger's total revenue to exceed $1 billion. By the end of the year, Telegram has cash reserves of more than $500 million, not including crypto assets.

"2024 turned out to be a very successful year for Telegram. We continue to be an independent and stable platform, offering users new features and high security standards," Durov said.

Telegram continues to strengthen its position among social platforms and messengers, showing impressive growth rates and confirming its relevance among users.

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