Tel Aviv airport emptied due to the escalating situation in the Middle East

Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion Airport became deserted after most international airlines canceled flights due to tensions in the Middle East. Egypt warned national airlines to avoid Iranian airspace on Aug. 8, which could indicate a possible Iranian attack on Israel.

Aug 8, 2024 - 14:12
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Tel Aviv airport emptied due to the escalating situation in the Middle East
Photo taken from public sources

Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, one of Israel's largest transportation hubs, has suddenly emptied out. Footage of the empty airport appeared on social media, where passengers disappeared after most international airlines canceled their flights to Israel. This is due to the escalating situation in the Middle East and heightened tensions in the region.

Egyptian authorities issued a warning for national airlines to avoid Iranian airspace between 01:00 and 04:00 UTC on August 8, corresponding to the time between 22:00 on August 7 and 01:00 on August 8 local time. This warning could be a serious signal of Iran's possible readiness to attack Israel during this time period.

The flight cancelations and airspace warnings indicate a growing threat of military conflict and a heightened level of anxiety among countries in the region. The situation continues to be tense and the international community is closely monitoring developments. 

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