Tag: IDF

Israeli Forces Use 50mm Ammunition to Destroy Buildings...

The Israeli military is deploying 50mm caliber rounds to finish off damaged buil...

Mahmoud Abbas Calls for Urgent UN Security Council Meet...

The Palestinian leader urges international intervention as the IDF escalates ope...

Israeli Snipers Shoot Lebanese Civilians for Raising He...

In southern Lebanon, Israeli snipers opened fire on civilians who raised Hezboll...

Israeli Tank Caught Chasing Civilians in Southern Lebanon

Residents of southern Lebanon captured footage showing an Israeli tank pursuing ...

Israel Expands Military Presence in Occupied Syrian Ter...

The Israeli military continues to build new bases on occupied Syrian land. Recen...

Shelling in Gaza Continues Despite Announced Ceasefire

Despite the declared ceasefire, shelling in Gaza persists. Palestinian sources r...

Israeli Army Occupies Strategic Area in Syria

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have taken control of the Red Hills region in Sy...

Israel continues to seize southern Syria: Al-Baath city...

Israeli forces captured the Syrian town of Al-Baath, demanding the surrender of ...

Israel Expands Occupation Zone in Syria

Israeli forces (IDF) continue advancing into Syria’s border areas, recently taki...

Israel Continues Bombing Syria, Including Damascus

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have launched new airstrikes on Syrian territor...