Rare snowfalls covered South Africa: infrastructure is paralyzed, lions and giraffes walk through snowdrifts

South Africa has experienced snowfall for the first time since the summer of 2023. Lions and giraffes walk through snow-covered areas, and infrastructure in some areas is paralyzed. One local resident died of hypothermia after getting stuck in traffic.

Sep 24, 2024 - 10:05
 0  8159
Rare snowfalls covered South Africa: infrastructure is paralyzed, lions and giraffes walk through snowdrifts
Photo taken from public sources

The South African Republic is faced with a rare phenomenon snowfall, which hit the country for the first time since the summer of 2023. Lions and giraffes walk through the snowdrifts, which attracts the attention of residents and tourists, but at the same time creates difficult conditions for wildlife. Infrastructure in several regions of the country is completely paralyzed, roads are covered with snow, which has led to multiple traffic jams. One of the tragedies was the hypothermia of a local resident stuck in a 30-kilometer traffic jam. The authorities urge the population to be careful and avoid long trips in bad weather conditions.

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