Public Offer

About the Publisher: - 2024/08/26

This public offer is an official proposal from "ALTN" LLP, a registered legal entity operating under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The publication "Internet resource ALTN News" ( is registered under the Certificate of Registration of Periodical Print Media, News Agency, and Network Publication No. KZ32VPY00091991, issued on April 26, 2024, by the Information Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and offers users the opportunity to use the interactive and informational resources available on the news website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), as well as the terms for publishing author materials as provided in this document.

1. Subject and Conditions of This Offer: 

1.1. The Site offers users a unique opportunity not only to access news content and analytical materials but also, under certain conditions, to become active participants in the information process by posting their own articles, comments, and other informational materials on the Site's platforms.

1.2. Publishing materials on the Site, according to the provisions of this offer, is a free service; however, in order to encourage high-quality content and reward authors who achieve significant success in attracting an audience, a remuneration of $0.10 USD per 1,000 views by Site users is provided.

2. Responsibility and Warranties of Authors:  

2.1. The author, by posting any content on the Site, fully understands and accepts the obligations to ensure the accuracy, relevance, and legal integrity of the provided information. Legal integrity means the absence of violations of third-party rights, including but not limited to copyright and related rights, as well as compliance with the legislation regulating the dissemination of information on the Internet.

2.2. The author undertakes full responsibility for any claims and damages arising in connection with the publication of their materials on the Site, thereby releasing the Site and its administration from any obligations related to possible legal consequences of such publications.

2.3. Acceptance of responsibility for the content of materials includes the author's obligation not only to comply with legal norms but also to ensure that the published materials meet generally accepted standards of journalistic ethics, including but not limited to truthfulness, objectivity, and respect for the audience.

3. Acceptance of the Offer: 

3.1. Acceptance of this offer occurs automatically upon the start of using the Site's resources, regardless of whether the user accesses the Site's content solely as a reader or decides to post their own publications. This condition applies without exceptions and extends to all Site users, regardless of territory or jurisdiction.

3.2. Users who wish not only to read the content provided on the Site but also to actively participate in shaping the information space by publishing their own materials must submit an official request to obtain access to the author's functionality provided by the Site.

4. Procedure for Registration, Verification, and Obtaining Author Status: 

4.1. Access to the author's functionality, which allows the posting of publications on  the Site, requires mandatory registration and subsequent verification of identity based on the Know Your Customer (KYC) principles.

4.2. As part of the KYC verification, the author provides a list of documents necessary to confirm their identity and compliance with the established requirements. The list of documents, as well as the format for their submission, is determined individually for each author, based on the specifics of the provided information and legal requirements.

4.3. After successful registration and verification, the author is granted access to the functionality that allows them to publish materials on the Site and receive remuneration for their views, as provided in this offer.

5. Terms of Payment of Remuneration to Authors: 

5.1. In order to encourage authors whose materials achieve significant audience reach, the Site establishes a remuneration system under which the author receives a monetary reward of $0.10 USD for every 1,000 views of the published material.

5.2. Payments are made on a monthly basis, provided that the amount of remuneration for the billing period has reached the established minimum threshold, which will be communicated to the author in their personal account on the Site.

5.3. The author is fully responsible for providing accurate data for the payment transfer. The Site is not responsible for delays or inability to pay remuneration due to incorrect data provided by the author.

6. Final Provisions and Amendments to the Offer: 

6.1. This offer is an integral part of the Site's terms of use and comes into force upon its publication. By starting to use the Site, the user confirms that they have read and fully accept the terms of the offer.

6.2. The Site reserves the right to make changes to the terms of this offer, as well as to the system of author remuneration at any time without prior notice. All changes take effect from the moment they are published on the Site, and users are required to independently monitor the current versions of the offer.

6.3. This offer is presented in Russian and has legal force only in this version. Translations of the offer into other languages are provided solely for informational purposes and cannot be used as a basis for regulating legal relationships. In the event of any discrepancies or disputes, the Russian version of the offer takes precedence, as it most accurately conveys the conditions and nuances embedded in it.

Contact Information: 

For additional information, you can contact us at the following details:

Phone: +7 701 961 66 66