Polish President Duda Asks Tusk Not to Arrest Netanyahu During Visit

Polish President Andrzej Duda has sent a letter to Prime Minister Donald Tusk, requesting a solution to avoid the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his potential visit. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued a warrant for Netanyahu’s arrest.

Jan 12, 2025 - 10:19
 0  3174
Polish President Duda Asks Tusk Not to Arrest Netanyahu During Visit
Photo taken from public sources

Context of the Situation

  1. Reason for the Visit:

    • Netanyahu may attend events marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp.
    • The ceremony holds significant symbolic importance for the Jewish and global communities.
  2. ICC Arrest Warrant:

    • The ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu over alleged war crimes.
    • As a signatory to the Rome Statute, Poland is obligated to comply with ICC rulings.

President Duda’s Position

  1. Complexity of the Situation:

    • In his letter, Duda stressed the importance of respecting international law while expressing concerns over the potential diplomatic fallout from arresting Netanyahu.
    • He urged the government to find an “adequate formula” to prevent conflict.
  2. Political Ramifications:

    • Duda’s request puts the Polish government in a challenging position, balancing legal obligations with maintaining diplomatic relations with Israel.

International Reactions

  1. Israel:

    • Israel is likely to closely monitor the situation, as Netanyahu’s arrest in Poland could heighten tensions between the nations.
  2. Human Rights Advocates:

    • Human rights organizations are calling on Poland to honor its commitments to the ICC.


President Duda’s letter underscores the difficulty of balancing international law with diplomatic considerations. Warsaw’s decision will send a crucial message about how states navigate such dilemmas in the global arena.

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