Poland has begun construction of the "Eastern Shield" on the border with Russia — Donald Tusk

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced the start of construction of the "Eastern Shield" — a system of fortifications and barriers along 400 km of the border with Russia and Belarus, including changing the terrain and planting trees to strengthen the border line.

Nov 4, 2024 - 09:39
Nov 4, 2024 - 09:50
 0  6436
Poland has begun construction of the "Eastern Shield" on the border with Russia — Donald Tusk
Photo taken from public sources

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced the start of construction of the Eastern Shield, a complex of defensive structures along 400 km of the border with Russia and Belarus. The project includes the construction of fortifications, fences, changing the terrain and planting trees to strengthen the border line. The purpose of the Eastern Shield is to increase security and strengthen the country's defense capability on the eastern borders. Earlier it was reported that Poland plans to invest about 10 billion zlotys ($2.6 billion) in this project, which should be completed by 2028.

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