Pavel Durov's ex complained about the restriction of access to family funds

Irina Bolgar, Pavel Durov's former partner, said she no longer had access to family assets that allowed her and her children to make expensive trips with expenses of up to €1 million per month.

Sep 24, 2024 - 10:13
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Pavel Durov's ex complained about the restriction of access to family funds
Photo taken from public sources

Irina Bolgar, who calls herself the mother of the children of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, complained that since November 2022 she has had limited access to family assets. Bolgar said that for 10 years her expenses and travel, sometimes reaching 1 million per month, were paid by Durov. As an example, she cited a trip to Sardinia in August 2022, where living expenses were compared with luxury hotels such as the Ritz in Paris or Al Naseem in Dubai. Now, according to the Bulgarians, the situation has changed, and she can no longer afford such luxury trips. The situation arouses public interest, although Durov's position is also understandable.

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