Pakistan fired NOTAM at 1,500 km before missile test — International sources

Pakistan has announced a 1,500 km NOTAM for an upcoming missile test, which could mean testing a new ballistic system. These actions reflect the global trend of increased testing of intercontinental missiles.

Nov 5, 2024 - 10:53
 0  5406
Pakistan fired NOTAM at 1,500 km before missile test — International sources
Photo taken from public sources

Pakistan has announced a NOTAM at a distance of 1,500 km in preparation for an upcoming missile test, which may indicate the testing of a new ballistic system. This move followed similar tests from other countries. Earlier, Russia launched intercontinental ballistic missiles, including the Yars and Sineva systems, which, according to experts, stimulated other countries to step up their missile testing programs. It is expected that the United States may also take retaliatory measures in the near future.

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