North Korea executes 30 officials for failing to prevent flood damage

About 30 officials in North Korea have been executed for failing to prevent damage from floods that ravaged Chagang province, killing 4,000 people and damaging thousands of homes and farmland.

Sep 6, 2024 - 10:42
 0  4301
North Korea executes 30 officials for failing to prevent flood damage
Photo taken from public sources

North Korea has executed nearly 30 officials accused of failing to prevent the aftermath of devastating floods that hit the province of Chagang. According to official figures, the disaster killed about 4,000 people and displaced more than 15,000. The floods destroyed homes, railroads, and inundated vast tracts of farmland.

In late July, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited the affected areas and promised harsh punishment for those he deemed to have "seriously neglected" their duties and allowed the disaster to occur. The executions were among the most high-profile measures taken by the government in response to the disaster.

The event highlights the harsh nature of governance in North Korea and the emphasis it places on preventing natural disasters, despite the country's often limited resources and infrastructure.

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