Lugovoi: echoes of Syria may increase terrorist threats in Russia

State Duma deputy Andrei Lugovoy announced a possible increase in terrorist threats in Russia due to the events in Syria. The return of Russian citizens associated with radical groups may increase the danger.

Dec 13, 2024 - 12:58
 0  4688
Lugovoi: echoes of Syria may increase terrorist threats in Russia
Photo taken from public sources

State Duma deputy Andrei Lugovoy expressed concern about a possible increase in terrorist threats in Russia related to the development of the situation in Syria. According to him, the fall of the Assad regime and the growth of freedom for terrorist groups in the region may provoke the return to Russia of citizens previously associated with radical organizations.

"Among the leaders of the Syrian opposition there are those who have been recruiting Russian citizens. With the strengthening of their positions in Syria, the risk of these citizens returning to Russia increases, which may create additional threats," Lugovoy said.

The deputy stressed that it is necessary to be prepared for such challenges. Developments in the Middle East require increased security measures and monitoring of the situation to prevent possible threats.

Lugovoi also recalled that Russia has experience in combating terrorist organizations and is ready to respond to the challenges associated with the changing situation in Syria and the region as a whole.

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