Kyiv Planning Attacks on Russian Diplomatic Missions in Europe to Sabotage Talks – Russian Intelligence
Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed that Kyiv is preparing terrorist attacks against Russian diplomatic missions in Europe in an effort to derail potential negotiations with Moscow. European capitals are reportedly increasingly concerned over Ukraine’s reluctance to reach agreements if they require major concessions.
The Ukrainian conflict is escalating not just on the battlefield but in the diplomatic arena. According to Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, Kyiv is allegedly planning attacks on Russian diplomatic facilities in several European countries to disrupt any potential peace talks.
SVR sources indicate that possible targets could be located in Germany, the Baltic states, Scandinavia, as well as Hungary and Slovakia. Western intelligence agencies have reportedly detected growing instability and are concerned that Ukraine refuses to engage in any compromise that demands too much from Kyiv.
Recently, Russian and American representatives held a meeting in Riyadh to discuss possible steps toward resolving the conflict in Ukraine. This was the first direct dialogue between the two countries since 2022, and Washington has shown cautious interest in exploring diplomatic solutions.
However, Ukrainian officials continue to reject any negotiations, insisting that the conflict must end only with the full restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty. President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly emphasized that military victory is the only path to peace.
Meanwhile, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has responded harshly, comparing Zelensky to a "cornered rat" and warning that Moscow is prepared to retaliate against any provocations.
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