KFC and Pizza Hut Close 537 Restaurants in Turkey Amid Boycott

Fast-food chains KFC and Pizza Hut have announced the closure of 537 outlets in Turkey. The decision comes after a significant drop in sales due to a consumer boycott over the companies' alleged support for Israel.

Jan 12, 2025 - 09:45
 0  4473
KFC and Pizza Hut Close 537 Restaurants in Turkey Amid Boycott
Photo taken from public sources


  1. Declining Sales:

    • Despite a 300% growth in sales between 2020 and 2023, the Turkish market has recently fallen behind global benchmarks.
    • The boycott has intensified as public support for Palestine grows among the Muslim population.
  2. Official Statement:

    • The companies cited economic inefficiency as the primary reason for the closures.

Context: Challenges for Western Brands in Muslim Countries

  1. Political Factors:

    • Boycotts of Western brands often arise in response to geopolitical conflicts and alleged support for Israel.
  2. Rise of Local Brands:

    • Amid these boycotts, local brands have gained popularity. Turkish beverage producer “Cola Turka” is experiencing record sales both domestically and in export markets.


The closure of KFC and Pizza Hut in Turkey underscores the vulnerability of international brands to political and social dynamics. Local companies like “Cola Turka” are benefiting from this shift, serving as a favored alternative in the changing consumer landscape.

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