Kazakhstan to increase oil exports bypassing Russia

Kazakhstan plans to increase oil exports through Turkey, reducing dependence on Russian routes.

Nov 29, 2024 - 11:14
 0  6032
Kazakhstan to increase oil exports bypassing Russia
Photo taken from public sources

Kazakhstan has announced plans to increase crude oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan as part of the diversification of its export routes. Kazakh Energy Minister Almasadam Satkaliyev said that the implementation of the project will reduce dependence on Russian routes by more than 80%.

Currently, most of Kazakhstan's oil is transported through Russia, but the new route through the BakuTbilisiCeyhan (BTC) pipeline will help change the situation.

Kazakhstan has already started oil supplies through the port of Ceyhan in the amount of 1.5 million tons, but plans to increase this figure to 20 million tons per year. The new route will strengthen Kazakhstan's energy security and provide access to markets in Europe and other regions, which is especially important in the context of geopolitical instability.

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