Kazakhstan to Deliver Birth Certificates via Kaspi Lockers

In 2025, Kazakhstan will launch a pilot project allowing citizens to pick up birth certificates through Kaspi lockers, eliminating the need to visit government service centers (CONE).

Jan 13, 2025 - 16:46
 0  4779
Kazakhstan to Deliver Birth Certificates via Kaspi Lockers
Photo taken from public sources

How Will It Work?

  1. Electronic Apostille:

    • The project enables the use of electronic apostilles for documents issued by civil registry offices, such as birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates.
    • Citizens can apply for a document and have it apostilled in a single request.
  2. Convenient Delivery:

    • Once processed, the document will be delivered to the nearest Kaspi locker for pickup.
  3. Launch Timeline:

    • The service is expected to become available in the fourth quarter of 2025 (October-November-December).

Advantages of the New Service

  • Time Savings: No need to visit government service centers to collect documents.
  • Simplicity: Apostille and document delivery handled in one streamlined process.
  • Accessibility: Citizens will enjoy faster and easier access to official documents.


This new service, developed in partnership with Kaspi, brings Kazakhstan one step closer to simplifying bureaucratic processes and embracing modern technology in public services.

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