Judicial supervision of Pavel Durov in France may drag on for several years

Telegram founder Pavel Durov's judicial supervision in France may last until the investigation is completed, which could take several years. However, Durov will not be restricted in his use of the internet or phone, and will be able to continue his work.

Aug 30, 2024 - 10:45
 0  5074
Judicial supervision of Pavel Durov in France may drag on for several years
Photo taken from public sources

The judicial supervision imposed on Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France may last until the end of the investigation, which is estimated to take several years. This process is linked to the ongoing investigation, but despite the length of the procedure, the supervision will not restrict Durov's access to the Internet and telephone, allowing him to continue his professional activities.

The French authorities emphasize that despite the judicial supervision, Durov retains freedom of movement and the ability to carry out his work as usual. This decision allows him to continue to lead Telegram and participate in the development of the project, which has millions of users around the world.

Nevertheless, the duration of the supervision and the investigation itself remain important issues, attracting public attention and raising debates about rights and freedoms in the digital age.

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