Israeli Media Publishes Scenario of Attack on Aswan High Dam in Egypt
Israeli military portal Nziv has published a scenario describing a potential attack on the Aswan High Dam, located in southern Egypt. According to the report, Israel could strike the strategic site with missiles or other precision weapons in the event of a conflict, causing a catastrophic flood.
Potential Consequences
The report outlines the devastating effects of such an attack:
— The floodwaters would submerge the cities of Luxor and Aswan.
— The flooding would reach military bases and industrial facilities along the Nile.
— Estimated casualties could reach 1.7 million people, while an unannounced strike could result in up to 10 million deaths.
Political Context
The report was published amid growing tensions between Egypt, Israel, and the U.S.. The tensions stem from a plan proposed by Donald Trump to relocate Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan, a move that has faced strong opposition from Cairo.
Israel has not officially commented on the publication, but the discussion of such scenarios in the media could further escalate diplomatic tensions between the countries.
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