Israel continues to seize southern Syria: Al-Baath city under control

Israeli forces captured the Syrian town of Al-Baath, demanding the surrender of weapons from local residents. The city came under control without resistance from the militants.

Dec 24, 2024 - 13:25
 0  8601
Israel continues to seize southern Syria: Al-Baath city under control
Photo taken from public sources

The Israeli military continues its operations in southern Syria. Today, the city of Al-Baath was under the control of the IDF after an ultimatum to the locals. Israel demanded that the population lay down their weapons within two hours before the start of the military operation.

The city of Al-Baath, which was virtually untouched by the civil war, came under Israeli control without significant resistance. The HTS fighters, as in other cases, left the territory without engaging in combat with Israeli troops.

Israel's operations in southern Syria continue to raise tensions in the region, underscoring the complexity and complexity of the conflict, which remains a source of international concern.

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