Iran's new defense minister Aziz Nasirzadeh has proposed developing a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

General Aziz Nasirzadeh, Iran's new defense minister, has proposed immediate development of a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, emphasizing its strategic importance in a war against superior enemy forces.

Aug 29, 2024 - 10:18
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Iran's new defense minister Aziz Nasirzadeh has proposed developing a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft
Photo taken from public sources

Iran's new Defense Minister, General Aziz Nasirzadeh, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq War and an experienced F-4 and F-14 pilot, has called for the immediate development of a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft. The general argued that such aircraft are capable of taking off from poorly equipped areas without large runways, which could be an important advantage in a war with superior enemy forces.

Iranian media note that aircraft such as the Harrier, Yak-38 attack aircraft, Yak-141 and F-35B fighters were created primarily for the needs of the navy. However, the creation and operation of VTOL aircraft is an expensive and technically complex process, which raises questions about Iran's ability to implement such a project without outside assistance. Currently, the development and production of such aircraft is several times more expensive than traditional aircraft, while their combat effectiveness is often lower.

Nevertheless, Iran continues to surprise the international community with its ambitious projects and innovative solutions. The country has already become a leader in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles and guided missiles. Iran’s aircraft manufacturing sector has shown success in repairing civilian aircraft, producing the Kowsar fighter (an upgraded version of the F-5), and maintaining the F-14 Tomcat, F-4 Phantom, and other Soviet and Chinese aircraft.

If Iran does decide to build its own VTOL aircraft, it will likely need help from a country with the expertise and technology in this area. While cooperation with the US and UK is unlikely, Russian companies such as Yakovlev KBO could be considered as potential partners given their experience in building the Yak-141 fighter.

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