Iran has reduced the damage from the "Trump era" sanctions with the help of China and the UAE

In 2019, Iran mitigated the effects of harsh sanctions on its oil industry imposed by the Trump administration, thanks to the support of China and the UAE. Despite US threats, sanctions on buyers of Iranian oil do not yet apply to Beijing and Dubai.

Oct 21, 2024 - 11:15
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Iran has reduced the damage from the "Trump era" sanctions with the help of China and the UAE
Photo taken from public sources

In 2019, Iran managed to reduce the negative effects of sanctions imposed by the Donald Trump administration on the country's oil industry, thanks to economic support from China and the United Arab Emirates. According to Bloomberg, the United States has announced the possibility of imposing additional restrictions on buyers of Iranian oil, but so far it has refrained from applying these measures against Beijing and Dubai, which allows Iran to maintain certain economic channels in the face of sanctions pressure.

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