Iran demands punishment of those responsible for the murder of Shiites in Parachinar

Ayatollah Abbas Kaebi condemned the attack in Parachinar and called on Pakistan to ensure the protection of Shiites and punish the perpetrators.

Nov 27, 2024 - 12:53
 0  8445
Iran demands punishment of those responsible for the murder of Shiites in Parachinar
Photo taken from public sources

Ayatollah Abbas Kaebi, a member of the Presidium of the Council of Experts of Iran, called for the arrest and punishment of those responsible for the attack on Shiites in Parachinar, Pakistan. "Takfiri criminals acting in concert with the Zionists in Gaza and Lebanon have mercilessly killed children, women and innocent Shiite citizens.

This crime requires a decisive response," Kaebi said. He stressed that the Takfiri movement poses a threat to the unity of the Islamic Ummah and global resistance to the enemies of Islam.

The Ayatollah called on the Government of Pakistan to ensure the safety of the oppressed people of Parachinar, their lives, property and honor. Recall that on Friday, 39 Shiites, including women and children, were killed in an attack on passenger cars in the Kurram district in northwestern Pakistan. Many of the victims became Shahids as a result of these barbaric actions.

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