Interpol has detained more than a thousand cybercriminals in Africa

During Operation Serengeti, 1006 cybercriminals were arrested, 134 thousand malicious programs were eliminated, and the damage amounted to $ 193 million.

Nov 29, 2024 - 17:56
 0  7137
Interpol has detained more than a thousand cybercriminals in Africa
Photo taken from public sources

Interpol, together with Afripol and the governments of 19 African countries, conducted a large-scale operation Serengeti aimed at combating cybercrime. As a result, 1006 suspects were arrested, more than 134 thousand malicious programs were eliminated, and the total damage from their actions is estimated at $ 193 million. The operation was aimed at criminals involved in the distribution of ransomware, hacking of e-mails of government agencies and companies, digital extortion and various types of online fraud.

More than 35 thousand people became victims of their actions. Afripol Executive Director Jalel Chelba noted that the operation not only helped to make key arrests, but also deepened understanding of current trends in cybercrime, including the use of artificial intelligence to create malware. The operation was financially supported by the United Kingdom, Germany and the Council of Europe. The investigation also involved leading computer security companies, including Russia's Group-IB and Kaspersky.

Operation Serengeti was a significant step in strengthening cybersecurity on the African continent and in enhancing the effectiveness of international cooperation in combating digital threats.

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