In Afghanistan, short haircuts and wearing jeans for men have been banned

New rules have been introduced in Afghanistan prohibiting men from cutting beards and wearing jeans. Violators will be tried under Sharia law with possible fines and punishments.

Sep 25, 2024 - 09:51
 0  9619
In Afghanistan, short haircuts and wearing jeans for men have been banned
Photo taken from public sources

In Afghanistan, strict bans have been imposed on men cutting beards and wearing jeans. According to the new rules, a beard should be no shorter than the length of a fist, and short haircuts are prohibited. Men are also forbidden to look at women, except for their wives and closest relatives. In case of systematic violations, the perpetrators will be brought to trial under Sharia law, which can lead to fines, prison terms, public flogging or even stoning.

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