Hyundai India plans the largest IPO in the country's history

Hyundai Motor India is preparing for the largest IPO in Indian history, planning to raise $3.3 billion by selling shares at a price of 1,960 rupees. Anchor investors have already purchased $989 million worth of shares.

Oct 18, 2024 - 11:00
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Hyundai India plans the largest IPO in the country's history
Photo taken from public sources

Hyundai Motor India is planning to conduct the largest IPO in India's history, setting the share price at 1,960 rupees. The company intends to raise $3.3 billion by selling 142.2 million shares. The share price is close to the upper limit of the range offered to investors. Anchor investors have already invested about $989 million in the company's shares, and Hyundai India's total valuation will be $19 billion.

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