Hezbollah's kamikaze drone struck a warehouse of an electric power company in Israel - Israeli media

At night, a Hezbollah kamikaze drone penetrated Israel's air defense system and attacked an electric power company warehouse in Caesarea, north of Tel Aviv. The strike caused significant damage to infrastructure, highlighting the vulnerability of the facility to drone attacks.

Nov 6, 2024 - 18:00
 0  5976
Hezbollah's kamikaze drone struck a warehouse of an electric power company in Israel - Israeli media
Photo taken from public sources

Last night, a kamikaze drone launched by Hezbollah penetrated the Israeli air defense system and attacked the warehouse of an electric power company in Caesarea, near Tel Aviv. The strike caused significant damage to infrastructure, highlighting the vulnerability of Israeli facilities to drone attacks. This incident is worrisome in light of the increasing use of drones in combat operations in the Middle East.

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