Former UK MP and Ex-Deputy Defense Minister Arrested in Pedophile Sting Operation

Former Member of Parliament and ex-Deputy Defense Minister of the United Kingdom, Ivor Caplin, has been arrested during a special operation targeting pedophiles, reports The Spectator. According to Reform UK party leader Nigel Farage, Caplin was allegedly attempting to arrange a meeting with a 15-year-old boy.

Jan 14, 2025 - 11:02
 0  4964
Former UK MP and Ex-Deputy Defense Minister Arrested in Pedophile Sting Operation
Photo taken from public sources

Details of the Incident

  • The operation was conducted by law enforcement agencies investigating individuals suspected of crimes against minors.
  • Caplin's arrest has sparked significant public outrage in Britain, particularly given his former high-ranking political role.


Nigel Farage stated that such cases erode public trust in government officials and highlight the need for stricter measures to protect children from abuse.

The investigation is ongoing, with details of the charges yet to be disclosed.

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