Former General Director of Astana-Zelenstroy LLP detained

The Astana Anti-Corruption Service has launched an investigation against the ex-general director of Astana-Zelenstroy LLP, suspected of fraud and incitement to bribery in the amount of 15 million tenge.

Jun 17, 2024 - 11:44
 0  3368
Former General Director of Astana-Zelenstroy LLP detained
Photo taken from public sources

The Astana Anti-Corruption Service has launched a pre-trial investigation against the ex-general director of Astana-Zelenstroy LLP. According to the agency, he is suspected of attempted fraud and incitement to give a bribe of 15 million tenge to law enforcement officials in order to terminate a criminal case.

The former head is also accused of abusing his official powers. He is suspected of overestimating the cost of works on planting perennial shrubs, which were carried out by order of local executive bodies of Astana. The court decided to take the suspect into custody.

It is worth noting that earlier the anti-corruption service detained the chairman of the Aktau City Criminal Court in Mangistau region, which also caused considerable public attention.

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