FBI Director: China Has Stolen More U.S. Data Than All Other Countries Combined

China’s Cyber Program — A Major Challenge for the U.S. FBI Director Christopher Wray has stated that China operates the largest hacking program in the world, surpassing the capabilities of all other nations combined. According to him, the volume of stolen U.S. data, including personal and corporate information, is staggering.

Jan 14, 2025 - 13:04
 0  4376

The Scale of the Problem

Wray noted that China has stolen more information about U.S. citizens and companies than all other nations combined. This includes data on millions of Americans, corporate secrets, and scientific research.

"They have the largest hacking program in the world, far exceeding the combined capabilities of major nations," Wray emphasized.

China’s digital infrastructure enables attacks on both government and private organizations, granting access to sensitive information.

Why It Matters

China’s cyberattacks have become a strategic challenge for U.S. national security. Notable incidents include:

  • The 2015 breach of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, compromising data on millions of federal employees.
  • Cyberattacks on companies developing artificial intelligence and biotechnology innovations.
  • Hacks targeting American energy companies, posing threats to critical infrastructure.

U.S. Response

The FBI is actively countering the threat, working with international partners and strengthening government system defenses. However, the scale of China’s cyber program makes it one of the most complex issues in information security.

Wray also stressed the need for private companies to prioritize cybersecurity to minimize risks.

How China Uses Stolen Data

Experts claim the stolen data is used for:

  • Espionage and increased geopolitical influence.
  • Accelerating economic growth through the theft of technology.
  • Pressuring American politicians and business leaders.


China’s cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and their scale demands coordinated international efforts. Combating this threat will be a top priority for the U.S. in the coming years.

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